Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Rachael Roebuck (1735-1812)

The S. Sr Rachel Roebuck was born in Huddersfield Feb. 14th 1735. She came to live in Fulneck Oct: 14 1760, the following year she was recd into the Congn and Jan. 11. 1767 she partook for the first time of the H. Comn. The most of her time amongs us, she spent in serving families on the place, in which situations she showed great faithfulness; and injoyed the love of those whom she served. a few years ago she removed into the Srs House here, being far advanced in years and not able to do much. She spent her time happily amongst us and her chief concern was to live in fellowship and communion with our Saviour Abl About a fourthnight before her departure she was seized with an inward pain, from which she never recovered

tho’ she was able to go about; nearly in her usual way, but it seemed clear to her that she never should be better, she often prayed earnestly to our Saviour to prepare her for himself, and she loked forward with joy to that happy moment when pain and sorrow would seize cease and she should be with him for evermore. Dec 28th after having spent a trouble some night, & suffered much with shortness of bl breath, she said in the morning, that she should never go to to bed again, our Saviour would fetch her before another night, and so it proved according to her faith, about 1 a Clock at noon, the wished for hour came when she in a peaseful and happy manner went over into the arms of her beloved Saviour. Aged in her 80 year She departed Dec. 31 1812.