Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Mary Scott (1734-1764)

Septr the 5th 1764 Mary Scott a Single Women in Hallifax who was before her last sickness in no Connection with us went Hapily to our Savr she was born in the above mentiond Townin 1734; Her Parents being Church people Educated her in the same Way, her Mother was Concerned for her own Salvation; and when, Mr. Ingham preached several times in Hallifax Church, she went to hear him, as also afterwards the Brn; & took this her Child alone with her, but afterwards she became Sick, & went I Happily out of time in 1746 in relyance upon Jesus Merits. This her Daughter was then in her 13 Year, she Liv’d all the rest of her time with her Father & Kept House for him, as a Dutifull Obedient Child, but did not follow the Brn. any more After her Mothers departure, but went to Church & led a Still & quiet life, bore a good Character amongst all those that Knew her. About 2 Year ago she had the first Symtoms of a Consumption and Dropsy, but was restored again by timely Assistance; However a Troublesome Cough & Shortness of Breath attended her ever After, she came during that time now & then to the Stanery to hear the Brn which always left on impression upon her mind, however she being inclin’d to be good, the Convictions to Seek forgiveness of Sins in our Savr & his Bloody Visits remained a Mistery to Her. About Christmass last past her Cough increased to a great degree & the Dropsial Symtoms Appeared low again, this she went on to the latter end of February, when she disired one of our Single Srs: to tell the Br: who comes to the Stanery to come to see her, & Br. Schulze who has the care of that plan at present went on February the 28th to see her the first time, when she told him her great concern to be saved with many Tears and he painted the Friend of Sinners as Crucified to her heart, which had also its wished for Effect, for she soon Observed that all her former Piety availed nothing, which gave her great pain. About a fortNight after it was made clear to her that all selfmade Piety was an Abomination to our Saviour, & she ventur’d as one who all her Life time had endeavoured to establish a Rightiousness of her own, as a Sinner to our Saviour, & He as the Sinners Friend drew near her Heart, which gave her great Comfort & has never left her during her long & painfull Sickness. Br. Schulze recomended her to the Single Srs who live at Stanery, & they have visited her partly every Day to her great Comfort. Sr: Whitehead & some other Sisters from Wike have also several times gone to Visit her. Sr May & Ann Birkby who Visited this plan visited her likewise on June the 18th to their Satisfaction, just then her Dropsy being at Height & she was Swell’d to a High degree. She has been Oblidg’d to sit up

& has not been in Bed since Mid-Sumer Day, but has indured every thing with such Uncomon Patience, that it Struk even Natural People with Amase, to see her so chearfull & Childlike amidst those incredible pains she indured, which became at last so Troublesome that she had no rest our Sleep for near a Week togather, & when ever she must be moved or Lifted at any time, she could not forbear Crying out like one that is pierced thro. When ever she was overcome with impatience, she Wept soon After Ask’d pardon of those about her & Called herself a Coward, because she did not bear more Childlikely, what our Saviour was pleas’d to let her, indure. I continued Visiting her for these 27 Weeks every Tuesday but one, with real Satisfaction; & found her Heart always Tender, Towards our Saviour, never did I visit any one more glad & Thank full then she was every time, amidst her Pitefull & Painfull Sickness, She being poor, our Saviour raised up Friends who assisted her in all she stood in deed off; and among the rest a Young Women, who has proved a Friend indeed: One Grace Holdin who was aquainted with her from a Child, who has spent most of her time with her & Nurs’d her to the  best of her Knowledge & when even her Dropsy broke & became disagreeable she has either Dress’d & Kept her clean herself, or procur’d some Body to do it for her. however by seing Mary Carried on in such a manner & hearing me Speak with her has likewise get a concern for her Souls Salvation, & has come to meetings to the Stanery & disires to be recieved into the Society. When I saw poor Mary the Tuesday before last her feet Mortifying & her Body full of exquisite pain, it moved my heart with such pityy & Compassion, that I could not Speak a word for some time for altho she was Dress’d twice a Day her Feet which had great holes, began to be so bad that a Kind of Grups grew in it & fell out of the holes, but this did not last longer then 2 or 3 Days, I visited her the last time on Septr. the 4th I Kept her a Liturgy with great Tenderness, & prayed our Saviour to hasten her dissolution & take her soon out of this bodily pain, which also came to pass the Day Following about 9 o’Clock in the fornoone, when first the one arm became lifeless & then that whole side she sinking togather disired to be raised up, & said soon After now my dear Lamb is acoming for me, which were her last words, & soon after she fall happily asleep in the 30 year of her age she is now in Peace.