Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Francis Bullock (1739-1764)

Depd Jan. 30, 1764 The Course of Life of the S. Br. Bullock Francis Bullock was born at Heaton Rhodes in the Parish of Bradforth Septr the 9th 1739th, and educated in the Church of England, and learned the Tanners Business. He was of a very lively Disposition from his Childhood, and also of a Wild Cast, till he got our Savr got a Hold of his Heart, and this carried him thro’ his Childrens and Boys years without any abiding concern or uneasiness of Mind except ing at certain times yet there were certain Times when he was much distressed & exceeding anxious about himself, & was seized with such a Fear of being Lost that he knew not what to do with himself, and this Uneasiness has frequently continued 3 or 4 Days & Nights together, but in Time he always shook it off again, by one Means or other, But altho he was so sprightly & had such an active Soul, he had also something of a bashful Nature, & which probably might prove beneficial for to him in many Respects, for he was preserved pretty much from the Wickedness of the Times & places he lived in, notwithstanding the Temptations and Snares he was exposed to. On Easter Sunday 1761 his Curiosity led him to this place, and during the preaching his Heart was touched by our Savr in a Manner it never had been before, & this day he looked upon as the Days of his special Call on which our Savr gave him a special Call to become his property; & from this Day all his old Matters vanished and departed from him & his Connexion therewith was broken, and his Concern was, to make his Calling sure. He then wanted to get acquainted with the Brn, but being an entire Stranger to them knew not how, but made application for permissi on to go to our Boys School for a few weeks, & this being granted, he frequented the Childrens Meetings, which proved a Blessing to him & by this thus he also got an Opportunity to become acquainted with the Brns which he esteemed highly. He was recd into the Society at the next Society Lovefeast, but thinking his Call to be to the Congn he could

not dispose his Mind to settle any longer in the World, and therefore ear nestly & frequently expressed his Desire to be delivered have the Favour to live in the Choir House, and which our Savr granted him in the same year viz Novr 9th 1761. As we have not his Business is not carried on, in our place he was necessitated to learn something else & accordingly learned the Wool Combing business. Here in the Choir House the dear holy ghost taught him by Degrees more and more the knowledge of himself, however he got also a Confidence in our Savr, and a certain assurance that He loved him, and would receive him out of mere Grace as his property. It was also perceptible to us that our Savr had a particular Hand over him, and had himself numbered him to his people, & on Jan. 1st 1763 his Right & Title to the Family of our Savr was confirmed to him by Reception into the Congn. The Spring following he he was sickly which continued growing upon him till he was obliged to give over working, and after having rested a little he proposed seeking after work at his own Business, thinking it might be best for his Health but upon a Representation of the Danger to which he might expose him self, and the Loss he would Sustain in not having the continual Opportu nity to have Fellowship with his Brn, he declined it, & begged Pardon. Having been pointed out by our Savr to go to Bedford be Cook in the S. Brns House in Bedford, and having, according to Appearance recruited his strength a little, he went thither July the 6th 1763, but soon became sick & unfit to do that business, & therefore returned to us again Sepr ye 8th the same Year, and was very weak, & it seemed as if his Disorder was a Consumption. His Father desired the Brn to let him come to his House wch is near Fulneck for a While, thinking that the Circumstances there might be full as suitable for him, & as he himself had nothing against it, the Request was considered of & granted but he was soon clear that being at his Fathers House would not help him & that this sickness was intended for his being taken to our Savr & which he rejoiced at. He was then very sorry that he was not in his Choir House, & then in the midst of his Brn & several Circumstances in his Fathers House were heavy to him, however, he cleaved to our Savr & had him for his Support & Companion. He was frequently visited, & many blessed Bands were kept with him. Our Savr manifested himself more fully to his Heart than ever before, & he spent his Time in a melted Sinnerlike disposition (nor did any Thing give him Trouble him so much

as that he had not attainted to the Enjoyment of the Lords Body & Blood in the holy Communion with the Congn, but which he often spoke about and wished for, but which we could not well think of on Account of his situation.) During this Sickness which lasted pretty long, his constant wish was that our Savr might soon come and take him to himself, & which he expressed with a tender Feeling and many Tears, and not long before his Departure he broke out in Converse with our Savr in a very pathetic Manner, saying, “My dear Savr, I am poor, yea a very poor One, & am not worthy that thou shouldst take the least Notice of me; but what shall I say? Thou hast accepted me of me, and forgiven me all, & last washed & cleansed me in thy preci ous Blood, & now I wait with longing for the Hour when thou will take me to thyself: Come Lord Jesus & take me.” which Desire was granted on the 30th (Jan) about 8 o’Clock in the Morning, having spent in the 25th year of his mortal Life.