Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Tag: George Whitefield

  • Sarah Cennick (1712-1770)

      Sarah Cennick 1 The Life of the S. Sr Sarah Cennick who went happily home Jany 24th 1770 I was born June the 12th old Style 1712 in Reading Berks. wass baptiz’d in the Church of England and brought up in that Comunion. The first thing I remember is the simple and happy intercourse…

  • Elizabeth Grundy (1717-1799)

    Page 1: -Vo.10. G. Gd Life I. Holmes of the widow Sr. Elizabeth Grundy, late Alvid, who departed this life at Bayldon in Yorkshire, May the 9th 1799. She has dictated the following account of her life to her son, our Br. James Grundy: I was born February 6. 1717. near Chowbent in the parish…

  • Samuel Tippett (1711-1780)

    I Sam.l Tippett have thought it might not be amiss to leave the following lines behind me. I was Born in the year of our Lord in 1711 In the Parrish of Bitton, in the Hamlet of Oland My Father died when I was young, my mother kept me to school tho with some difficulty,…