Moravian Lives

A Collection of Moravian Memoirs from 18th Century English Congregations

Anna Rosina Anderson

Born: 9 August, 1727 at Berthelsdorf
Died: 20 February, 1803 at Fulneck


Our dear happily departed sister Anna Rosina Anderson, has left the following account of herself:

I was born the 9th of Aug 1727 at Berthelsdorf. My Parents belonging to the Cong endeavoured to bring me up in the same connection with the Cong. and sent me from my earliest years every Sunday to Herrnhut to the Children’s meeting, which the late Count Zinzendorf kept. He asked me many questions, and tho I did not always understand him, yet it made an impression on my heart and I felt a desire to be happy. When I was in my 7th year my father departed happily to our Savior, after which the late Count took care of my mother and her children; She came to live in the widow’s house at Herrnhut.


and her children in the Orphan house, but I for my part had no inclination for it, but chose to stay with my Grand father in Berthelsdorf. After a few years my uncle in Lobenstein desired me to come and live with him, which I was very glad of. I was there above a year, but did not find it so agreeable as I thought, and I prayed many times with tears to the Lord, to help me away again, which he graciously did, For it happened at this time that the late Count came to Ebersdorf and my uncle had an opportunity to see him; and told him that I was very unhappy here; on hearing this he took me under his care and sent me to Marienborn to the Orphan house I prayed to the Lord to preserve me here and make me happy, and that I never might come to any


any other place except among the Brethren, because I was sometimes enticed by my uncle to go back with him to his home. At that time during a severe sickness which I get, I learned to pray earnestly for my happiness. I found many friends here who wished me well and to see me prosper for our savior; particularly one sister will always be remembered by me, who, when I had recovered, took me with her into the garden, and kneeling down with me, sent up a fervent prayer in my behalf to our Savior, which I shall never forget. But it was not sufficient to make me happy; because I must feel my savior’s comfort and forgiveness for my own heart and this happiness in a very particular manner. Being once quite alone in a place I fell down at his feet and implored his mercy and forgiveness for all my sins through his precious blood.

At that time, I felt something, which I cannot express, his comfort to my troubled soul and his mercy shown to one,


melted my heart in thousand tears. In 1740 I was after the then usual manner received into the Childrens Congn which proved a great blessing to me, I devoted my heart to our Savior to live to him & serve him however afterwards, I must own, I had many things to experience by which I learnt better to know myself but our Savior was faithful and helped me thro’, I always felt freedom to speak my mind openhartedly to my Labouress which was a great help to me. In the year 1741 I was received into the Great Girls Choir and in the same year I enjoyed the holy Communion for the first time, which was an unspeakable blessing to my heart. At that time there was a company of great girls which the late Count took particular care of, he kept us Choir meetings and instructed us how to become useful in our Savior’s service. I was appointed to keep the Children’s and great girls bands, and enjoyed many blessings from our Savior, when we spoke together of his great love and mercy. Soon after I had the office of an assistant among


the Children conferred upon me and moved in the same year with this Oeconomy to Herrnhaag. All these appointments taught me to come into closer connection with our Savior and showed me that I could do nothing of myself. His mercy and love shown to me bowed me in the dust before him. I had the confidence to cleave to him as a poor sinner, and believed he would help me thro’. 1743 I was accepted an acoluth with a large company, which encouraged me anew to live to him and serve him as a poor Child that has nothing to plead but his mercy from day to day. 1744 I was received into the Single Sisters Choir and 1747 blessed for a Deaconess. 1748 I received a Call to be Single Sister Laboress at Bethlehem in America. In London, February the 10th I was blessed for my office and set out in June. Sept the 20th I arrived in Bethlehem after a troublesome voyage. I cannot but take no that this year the 13th of November was celebrated the first time in


America, which brought the first impression of that in Herrnhaag 1741 very fresh to my mind, but I was sorry, I could not enjoy it in such a manner as I wished to do. I had to struggle, particularly in the beginning with many difficulties, being young and unexperienced, and had no body to whom I could open my heart and consult with, so as I wished; which made it sometimes very heavy to me. But my dear savior helped me through whenever I turned to him in my distress. I visited frequently in the most of the country congress which lay very distant from each other. In the year 1755 a war broke out between the French and English, and as the indians generally took share and joined one of the other party, we had very difficult time at Bethlehem and Nazareth. First the settlement of the Brethren at the Mahony about


27 miles from Bethlehem was destroyed by the Indians, where 11 Brothers and Sisters lost their lives, after which many murders were committed much nearer, till at last within 6 miles of Bethlehem. We knew that we were closely watched by the Indians who would gladly have destroyed the place which at that time was the only one capable of making any resistance to their Incursion. The reports of their cruelties at other places kept us in continual alarm and apprehension, particularly as Indians were sometimes observed to lurk about and in the place at nights. However the strict watch kept by the Brethren in many parts and particularly about our house but above all the protection of our good Lord, always frustrated their designs. During all these heavy times, our dear Lord was our only comfort and his peace


was very sensibly felt amongst us. In the year 1762 Nathanael Seidel arrived here from Europe, who had lately been married to Anne Joh. Piesch an old acquaintance of mine; from whose conversation and support I received much comfort. In the year 1764 I received a call to return to Europe, Susanna de Gersdorf arrived early in that year to supply my place, and I left Bethlehem in company with Mr and Mrs Boehler and some other Mr and Mrs in the beginning of May. We had a very quick passage, arrived in London the 24th of June; and at Marienborn here the Synod was assembled on the 4th of July. After the Synod was closed I went to Herrnhut and in the year 1765 received a call to serve the choir’s in England. I first went to Fulneck, where I stayed about a year, and then got a call to Bedford, where I served the single Srs until the year 1772 when


I returned again to Fulneck. To go any further in relating my course I don’t think needful. Our savior passion and death and that he has redeemed me poor sinner with his own precious blood, is to me above everything in time and in eternity. He has helped me through this vale of tears and given me grace to place my confidence in him in which I never have been put to shame. When I have the favor to see him face to face I shall kiss his feet with sinner tears for all his mercy bestowed upon me.

Thus far has this faithful handmaid of Jesus left us an account of herself and of what the lord has done for her soul.
There could be much to say of all the periods of grace; where with he has crowned her endeavours and helped her services to so many souls, in devising, comforting and showing them the way to their hap-


piness; but we shall content ourselves with rendering unto him, who is the giver of all good gifts, our humble thanks and praises for all the mercys bestowed upon her, during her pilgrimage here below. Her character and the blessing which attended the Labour is known and acknowledged with thankfulness and we heavily wish and pray that we may follow her footsteps. In the year 1772 when she the second time arrived in Fulneck the choir and economies in Yorkshire were in a very hopeful state and she was received by them with the utmost alacrity both of body and mind, deeming it her highest privilege to win souls for Christ. The weakened of the flock were always objects of her peculiar care and concern, and she spared no pains what was in tending and bearing them in love; and in such instances when all means


proved ineffectual, it was evident to all around her, how she always bemoaned their loss. On the other hand our Savior gave her the satisfaction to see many faithful handmaids, whom she had raised up for the Lord, enter into the different services of his house, which she always looked upon as the greatest favor conferred on herself. As the Choir here in Fulneck considerably increased it was in the year 1780 taken into consideration to build a house in Wyke, and the proposal having been approved of, our late sister had the pleasures to assist in laying the foundation stone, which was a blessed solemnity. When it was furnished and inhabited by sisters from Fulneck she used to visit them frequently with great faithfulness, and took particular share in their weal and woe; as also in the welfare of the sisters economies at Gummersall, Mirfield and Littlemore; when several years ago the latter was given up, it was a great concern to her mind.


Of late years she grew weak and could not be so active in her office as she wished, nevertheless her mind was continually employed for the wellfare of her Choir. Great as her delight had been in the beginning, to see her Choir in such an increasing and florishing way, so great was her concern of late years to see it gradually declining in number and but few new ones coming in. So much the more she wished and prayed that the few remaining might truly value their lot of grace and enjoy the blessings and privileges, which were so precious to herself. For us to her own person she regretted exceedingly, that in her latter days old age and weakness prevented her attending every opportunity for dedication and encouragement as much as she wished to do. May the 1st 1802 she was seized with a paralytic stroke, but recovered so far again that she on the 4th of may could attend the meetings


in our house. During this winter, her weakness increased and she was much confined to her room. February 15th 1803 she had another stroke, which quite took away the uses of her right side, and, the next day she had strong convulsions so that we all expected her dissolution . She had often expressed a wish for Benade to pray with her at her departure which was now done, and after the prayer the blessing of the Lord was pronounced over her. The feeling of the peace of god on this occasion will leave a deep impression on the minds of all who were present. After the first paroxysm she fell asleep and slumbered for the most part but when she between times awoke she seemed to be sensible, though her speech was so far gone, that she could only say yes or no to the questions asked. The 18th some sisters assembled in her room to sing some verses expressing our foretaste of that happy cod to be at home


with the Lord; she seemed quite delighted with it and kept awake the whole time. The 19th in the afternoon she appeared more collected than before and could speak several words, and when the girls came to see her, she gave them all the hand and said: The Lord bless you. Afterwards she slumbered again till about evening, had a very restless night, and the 20th in the morning about 7 o’ clock her redeemed and through the blood of Jesus sanctified soul went gently and happy over into the arms of her beloved bridegroom, during the singing of that verse: When in the arms of Jesus, thy lips shall pallid grow. Her age was 75 years and 6 months.
